(These thoughts are purely the blunt, no nonsense personal opinions of the author and are not intended to provide personal or financial advice).

Several past posts have shown how families, politicians and governments discriminate against singles in financial formulas.

In discussion of these posts, it is amazing how married or coupled persons and those in power of managing financial formulas manage to twist the definition of the status of singles.  For example, when discussing the post showing how family tax credits are pushing singles into poverty (singles), several rebuttals were made that singles do receive financial benefits.

It has taken several instances of these rebuttals to bring the author of this blog to an ‘ah ha’ moment.  Families, politicians and governments will lump singles in one marital status category, that is ‘single’, instead of stating it is single parents and widowed persons who receive the most benefits.

Readers will note this blog may refer to singles as ‘ever’ (never married, no kids) singles and ‘early in life divorced’ singles.  The reason for doing so is because ever singles and early in life divorced singles are more likely to be at the bottom of the financial totem pole.  (Late in life divorced persons are more likely to have been able to accumulate financial power and wealth because they were able to do so as two people while married or coupled).

So, in order to further clarify in future posts, this author may refer to singles as ever singles, early in life divorced singles or single parents where necessary.  The definition in the heading of this blog has been updated to reflect this change.

For those singles trying to articulate (articulate)how singles are financially discriminated against, they will need to add this level of distinction of ‘single’ status versus ‘single parent’ status to their arsenal of debating skills.  (Heaven help us, when will all of this stupidity end where singles will be recognized as needing to included in financial formulas, even when they are not single parents or widowed persons?)

(This blog is of a general nature about financial discrimination of individuals/singles.  It is not intended to provide personal or financial advice).

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